#News from #AI #research
: “How #ChatGPT
can benefit from human #brains
- or how we teach #machines
to #think
My colleague #Axel #Stöcker and I have already been able to conduct some very exciting interviews on this very topic in our #Zoomposium series “#Artificial #intelligence and its consequences” and “#Cognitive #neuroscience and #epistemology”.
One “highlight”, for example, was the very exciting interview “Zoomposium with Dr. #Patrick #Krauss: ‘Bauanleitung Künstliches Bewusstsein’“, in which we asked him about the possibilities of ‘how the #theories of #consciousness - especially those of #Antonio #Damasio - could be used to develop artificial systems based on ’#felt” #information. This foundation could be used to #machine #learning and #deep #learning so that #AI #systems learn to respond to #emotions and #changes in their #environment in a similar way to #biological #organisms.
In this context #Patrick #Krauss was also currently at the „#Embodied and #Situated #Language #Processing (#ESLP2024) conference from 03 to 05 October 2024, which was organized by members of the „#Brain #Language #Lab“ of the #FreienUniversitätBerlin. There he had the opportunity to present the latest research results together with his team from #FAU.
One of #Patrick #Krauss talks was about a study „Analyzing Narrative Processing in Large Language Models”, which he had conducted in collaboration with his colleague #Achim #Schilling. The results of this study are partly based on an article “Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron-Like Long-Short-Term-Memory Units as Model System in Computational Biology”, for which he and his team were awarded the #BestPaperAward at the „International Jount Conference on Neural Networks #IJCNN2023”, the world's largest interdisciplinary conference on #artificial and #biological #neural #networks.
These current results from AI research of #Patrick #Krauss are therefore a real „jointventure” between #AI and #neuroscience, as the data and methods can contribute directly to the improvement of #large #language #models (#LLM), such as #ChatGPT, and in return the #cognitive #neurosciences can also learn something about the use and formation of #language in the #brain from this #implementation and #simulation of #cognitive #processes on #machines.
If you would like to learn more about #Patrick #Krauss ' very interesting #research #results, you can find out more here:
or at: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2023/10/24/bauanleitung-kuenstliches-bewusstsein/